
GDBE SENCO Network 2024/25

In partnership with the GDBE, The Howard Partnership Trust and their team of SEN specialists lead this network engaging professional dialogue and collegial support for SENCOs, Inclusion Leaders and Managers.

  • Each network includes a continuing development training focus.
  • Current national, regional and local updates and agendas
  • Opportunity for peer-to-peer support and contact.

Intended Audience - SENCOs, Inclusion Leaders and Managers - SEND teams are also welcome to attend. All individual places must be booked online in advance of the session dates - this is not a drop in network. Network materials and resources can be downloaded after the session via our platform as part of each online booking.

Network booking enquiries: please contact our services manager by email 

SENCOs, Inclusion Leaders and Managers

Without SLA Price
Universal £53 (£64 inc VAT)
GDBE elevate CORE Free
Please Login or Register to book for this course.


Church House Guildford, GU2 7YF
