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Our People
GDBE elevate brings together a group of highly motivated senior leaders and inspectors, teacher practitioners and education consultants from across the South-East region. We share a passion and commitment for quality leadership and teaching enabling all children to flourish.
Motivated by this passion and commitment, we provide a range of Education consultancy services available to schools and academies within the Diocese of Guildford and beyond.
Our expertise is underpinned by a wealth of practical understanding and intimate knowledge about the daily journey of challenge to success in schools and academy trusts. As very experienced system leaders, we are adaptive and agile in our approach, always ready to listen and engage.
Alex Tear
Alex Tear
Role within the Diocese: As Diocesan Director of Education, Alex leads the Education team in the Diocese and acts as the Company Secretary for the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE). He is member of the Bishop of Guildford’s leadership team.
Alex represents the DBE as a ‘Member’ of a number of Church multi-academy trusts across the Diocese and is a Trustee of Schools Alliance for Excellence (SAFE) a local education partnership in Surrey.
Areas of Specialism: Alex’s responsibilities include advising the Diocesan Board of Education on developing its education strategy and policies including school organisation and academisation. As part of his role he advises governing bodies, academies trusts and site trustees on legal issues relating to the Christian character of Church of England schools.
More about: Alex is an experienced Diocesan Director of Education and system leader who has contributed to shaping education policy at both a national and local level.
Before being appointed as Diocesan Director of Education, Alex was a headteacher of a Church of England primary school in Surrey and worked for the local authority as a School Improvement Adviser.
Susan Costa
Susan Costa
Role within the Diocese: Susan joined the Diocese of Guildford's Education team in Autumn 2022 as Lead officer for SIAMS.
Areas of specialism: Working with school leaders, SIAMS.
More about: Susan is an experienced headteacher of a Church of England school in Chichester Diocese and a qualified SIAMS inspector.
Susan brings significant leadership and inspection experience to the team.
Matthew Rixson
Matthew Rixson
Role within the Diocese: Diocesan Deputy Director of Education and Head of School Effectiveness. Matthew joined the Schools Alliance for Excellence (SAfE) team in the capacity of School Improvement Adviser in September 2021. He is firmly committed to helping school communities to grow, flourish and live life in all its fullness.
Areas of Specialism: Matthew has a particular interest in curriculum development, formative assessment and tackling educational disadvantage, providing support tailored to the needs of the school. Matthew enjoys helping schools build leadership capacity through coaching and mentoring. He regularly leads professional development courses and governor training. Matthew is a trained Ofsted Inspector.
More about: Matthew is an experienced school improvement professional and has worked in primary schools for over 25 years in a range of contexts, including nine years as a headteacher. Prior to that he spent five years working for Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service, acting as the Leadership and Learning Partner for several school across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Matthew was the Hampshire LA data lead and a key member of the assessment team.
Jane Whittington
Jane Whittington
Role within the Diocese: Diocesan School Church Partnership Advisor
Jane works with diocesan colleagues to train clergy and church volunteers. Jane provides training and support for school leaders, teachers, and governors in developing links with their parish church.
Areas of specialism: Christian distinctiveness, vision and values in church schools, spiritual development, Religious Education, collective worship, PHSE in church schools, school and church links.
More about: Jane recently has taken on the role of Diocesan School Church Partnership Advisor after being school’s officer with the Diocese of Guildford since 2013. Before that she taught in primary schools in Surrey and Hampshire, this included headships in both church and community schools.
Jane set up one of the first prayer spaces in her school in 2008 and currently is a networker for the Prayer Spaces in Schools team, in this role she assists with training and writing materials. Jane is an assessor for the Christian Aid Global Neighbours awards.
Rachel Boxer
Rachel Boxer
Role within the Diocese: Associate Consultant for RE (Primary Phase) and Advisor to Surrey SACRE.
Areas of specialism: Statutory RE provision; RE in primary classrooms; supporting RE subject leaders; practical ideas for collective worship.
More about: BC (before children!) Rachel taught in the primary phase, as RE subject leader in community school settings for much of that time, with additional responsibilities for Collective Worship and SMSC. She has been involved as a writer in the past 4 reviews of the Surrey RE Agreed Syllabus, leading the Primary teams for the revisions in 2007, 2012 & 2017 and most recently, coordinating the complete review of the new Surrey Agreed Syllabus 2023-28 and launch. She has also reviewed the Diocesan Guidelines for VA Schools and the Diocesan Collective Worship Guidelines (both twice!). In addition to her Diocesan role alongside Jane Whittington, Rachel is currently the RE adviser to Surrey SACRE, and leads RE subject leader training sessions for both the Diocese and Surrey RE networks.
When not reviewing syllabi, Rachel also writes assembly materials and is a regular contributor to the BBC Schools’ Radio Collective Worship programme ‘Something to Think About’.
Jane Whittingdale
Jane Whittingdale
Role within the Diocese: Jane manages the Diocesan Board of Education’s services to schools programme, including its Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for education services, associate consultancy and training programmes.
Jane assists the Deputy Director with the quality assurances of services and training; works closely with DBE officers including the Head of School Effectiveness, the Lead Buildings Officer, the Lead HR Officer and Associate Consultants to ensure the annual delivery of GDBE elevate services and support to schools and academies within the Diocese and across the region.
Areas of specialism: Management, marketing and delivery of services.
More about: Jane joined the Education team at the Diocese in 2016; Jane moved sectors from her role as a Production Manager, after nearly twenty years within the creative industry, to Education in 2013, initially as part of the office team at her local church school.
Mike Giles
Mike Giles
Role within the Diocese: School Buildings and Estates Manager
Areas of Specialism: Prior to this Mike ran his own property maintenance and consultancy advising clients throughout Berkshire and Surrey with maintenance programmes, extensions and new builds. Mike is also a governor at a college in Berkshire for 1,450 students and over 200 staff advising on buildings maintenance, funding and finance.
More about: Mike joins the Diocese after working within building maintenance and construction, in both the private sector and the independent school sector. Mike's most recent project was to assist with a modernisation programme for an independent school in Berkshire.
In his time away from work Mike enjoys holidays with his wife and daughter, sea kayaking, walking and is finally finishing a house renovation (his final one)! He has once again taken up motorcycling and is looking forward to the better weather to enjoy the Surrey countryside on two wheels.
Mark Cripps
Mark Cripps
Role within the Diocese: Diocesan Academies Officer.
Areas of Specialism: Mark’s main area of expertise is learning and teaching which is supported by his MA in Education. He also has experience of training, coaching and mentoring middle and senior leaders. Mark also brings with him extensive experience and expertise of managing major projects, including involvement in designing, planning and opening a brand new state-of-the-art, whole school campus in Hong Kong which replaced two geographically separated school sites.
More about: Mark joins the Diocese education team with more than 30 years’ experience within the education sector, including 20 years as a headteacher. He has led both Primary and all-through (Nursery to Y13) schools in the UK, as well as British international schools in SE Asia, the Middle East and Europe. On his return from overseas in 2017, Mark joined the Cognita schools group as an educational consultant at Akeley Wood Senior School in Buckinghamshire before taking up the headship of Meoncross Independent School in Hampshire. Mark stepped away from headship in 2022 to focus on his post graduate studies in Theology and to explore other opportunities within the educational sector.
Helen Dean
Helen Dean
Role within the Diocese: School Admissions and Appeals Adviser
Areas of specialism: Supporting, training and advising schools on the complexities of admissions, appeals and other specific situations.
More about: With a background in law, Helen has worked for the Diocese for 11 years.
Anne Hudson
Anne Hudson
Role within the Diocese: GDBE elevate People, Lead Consultant. Anne leads the GDBE Elevate People service and works strategically with the GDBE education team.
Areas of Specialism: People and Organisational Development - Anne studied for an MSc in People and OD at Roffey Park Institute, graduating from the University of West Sussex in 2019. With an interest in and love of Organisational Development Anne joined the Good Shepherd Trust, Guildford leading the project to introduce regional hubs. Anne has a deep interest in people and seeking the best for them.
More about: Anne has worked with Surrey schools over many years, leading the School Workforce Remodelling and the Teacher Recruitment Strategy between 2004 and 2010. She then became Head of HR for Children and Young People’s Services in the London Borough of Sutton before joining Woodard Academies Trust.
As their founding HR Director she led the TUPE transfer of a number of schools in the Northeast of England and developed an effective HR service for the Trust. Under Anne’s leadership Woodard Academy Trust was the first Trusts to successfully deliver a common support staff pay and grading structure across several different local authorities and secure a collective agreement. In her spare time, she is a Trustee of the European Christian Mission International and a Trustee of the London City Mission.
Kate Evans
Kate Evans
Role within the Diocese: Kate is an Education consultant for GDBE elevate.
Areas of expertise/special interest:
- Leadership coaching.
- School evaluation led improvement planning
- Inclusion matters: Behaviour, attendance, vulnerable groups
- Pupil Premium impact evaluation
- Governor training
- Head Teacher appraisal and performance management
More about: Kate has worked in school improvement for some years, and is currently a Director for Education for The Good Shepherd Trust, a CofE MAT within Guildford Diocese in Surrey and Hampshire. She also works in school improvement consultancy largely with Guildford and Southwark Dioceses.
Prior to working in Surrey, Kate was Lead Inspector: Primary in London Borough of Sutton. Whilst working in Sutton, alongside her inspector role, she also led specialist services for vulnerable pupils (SEND, Travellers, EAL, SEMH and Attendance). Kate has a strong professional and personal drive for inclusion and equality, and ensuring the best possible outcomes, in their widest sense, for all pupils.
Kate is also a Foundation Trustee of a MAT of 16 schools in Devon, chairing their Standards and Curriculum Committee, and a governor for a small village school in Cornwall.
Jon Chaloner
Jon Chaloner
Role within the Diocese: Jon is an Education consultant for GDBE elevate
Areas of expertise/special interest:
- Developing personal leadership
- Leading school development at scale
- Effective governance and quality assurance processes
- Developing strategy across education, operations and finance
- Working to form a vision, develop it and make it central to the school’s work
- Succession planning
More about: Jon has worked in Surrey schools for over 17 years, as Headteacher, Executive Head and CEO.
With over 17,000 children and more than 2,500 colleagues, Jon has led the growth of the trust from one school to 42, including opening eleven brand new primary and secondary schools, two of which are in the county.
During his tenure as the founding CEO, Jon established the trust’s central team comprising education, operations and finance colleagues. He has extensive experience of working alongside COOs, CFOs and leaders of directorates including HR, IT and Estates.
Jon enjoys developing the leadership of others and enabling them to step up within their schools or organisations and mentors CEOs and Headteachers.
Jon believes that we learn from each other. To augment his professional learning, he has served in various governance and trustee roles as well as completing his MA in 2011.
Jon served for five years as an elected member of the Advisory Board to the DfE’s Regional Director for the former South-East and South London region. He is presently supporting schools and trusts via the DfE’s TSIO programme.
Isabel Ramsay
Isabel Ramsay
Role within the Diocese: Isabel is an Education consultant for GDBE elevate.
Areas of expertise/special interest:
- Organisation Development
- Head Teacher Performance Management
- Governance Review
- Pupil Premium Review
- Leadership and Management skills, SEF and Strategic School Development Planning
- Analysis of pupil data for all groups of children
More about: In April 2018 to date, Isabel became the Consultant Head Teacher at Temple Grove Academy a primary school in Kent, which was 14 years in Requires Improvement. In September 2019 gained “Good” in all Ofsted areas. She is now the CEO of the Trust.
More about: Isabel was the Executive Head Teacher of Bandon Hill Primary, until August 2017, when she retired. Bandon Hill is a 6-form entry school across two sites, there is also a specialist Autistic department. Under her leadership Bandon Hill maintained “Outstanding”. In 2010 she was awarded National Leader in Education status and Bandon Hill became a National Support School. Isabel was seconded to manage and lead under achieving schools in Sutton in 1999 and in 2009 to 2013, as the substantive Head Teacher.
Over the past years, Isabel has been a Primary School Improvement Consultant with the Guildford Diocese, Southwark Diocese, The Good Shepherd Trust and worked for London Challenge advising schools on school improvement and working with schools needing Intensifying Support. She also undertook Head Teacher Performance Management training with Cambridge Education Associates who initially were responsible for Head Teachers PM. She also completed the Improvement Partner (SIP) training and worked as a consultant in Surrey schools.
Isabel has also served as a Governor at various Secondary and Primary Schools along with a school for hospital tuition and pupil re-integration.
Fiona Sheen
Fiona Sheen
Role within the Diocese: Fiona is an Education consultant for GDBE elevate.
Areas of expertise/special interest:
- Teaching & Learning (KS1 and KS2)
- Leadership
- English Subject Development
- Assessment (KS1)
More about: Fiona has spent the last 25 years in education; working across primary and independent schools in Surrey, as well as in Australia.
She began her career working in schools where she held the positions of Subject Leader, Head of Year, Head of Teaching and Learning and Deputy Headteacher.
Fiona went on to work at Babcock 4S (latterly VT4S) as a Learning and Teaching Adviser where she led on school improvement, assessment and moderation, leadership, and English curriculum development. Through this role Fiona empowered leaders at all levels through coaching, mentoring, and training.
Following this role Fiona established her own education and leadership consultancy, specialising in creating bespoke support and training for schools based on their specific needs. Alongside this she works as an associate consultant for the Diocese, works within the SCITT team as a Lead Support Tutor and moderates KS1 on behalf of the Standards and Testing Agency. Fiona is also Vice-Chair governor at an infant school in Surrey.
Fiona is delighted to continue her engagement with the Diocese.
Valerie Todd
Valerie Todd
Role within the Diocese: Valerie is an HR consultant for GDBE elevate People.
Areas of specialism: Working with school leaders, helping them to navigate complex HR issues and get the best from their people.
More about: Valerie brings extensive HR experience to her role as HR. Valerie has worked in HRD for the Harris Academy Trust and as HR Director for Oasis Community Learning and more recently has provided HR consultancy to a range of clients through Discovery HR Solutions. Valerie has a deep love for education and is a Trustee for the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education.
Maria Cicero-Scott
Maria Cicero-Scott
Role within the Diocese
Maria is an HR consultant for GDBE elevate People.
Areas of expertise/special interest Coaching, Mediation, Training, EDI and Wellbeing
More about: Maria has over 35 years extensive HR experience dealing with complex casework, organisational change projects and other key strategic HR projects across different sectors.
Maria has worked with schools across seven Local Authorities including Surrey since 2000, most recently at GLF Schools as the founding People Director, building a successful People function and leading it to be the first national Trust to be awarded the “valued worker” accreditation by the recognised trade unions.
Prior to this Maria worked as a HR Consultant at Babcock4S with a caseload of 60 schools supporting leaders to resolve HR cases and delivering people management training.
Maria is pragmatic and solution-focused but gives colleagues dignity and respect within HR processes to enable the best outcomes whilst maintaining relationships.
Maria has a Master’s Degree in Employment Law and Employee Relations, is an accredited Executive Coach, qualified Mediator and brings a wealth of experience in leadership development, people management training and employee relations.
In addition Maria brings over 20 years’ experience in school governance in Primary and Secondary phases both at governor and trustee level.
Camillia Salter
Camillia Salter
Role within the Diocese
Camillia is an HR consultant for GDBE elevate People.
Areas of expertise/special interest: Safeguarding, TUPE, General HR.
More about: Camillia has extensive experience across all areas of HR at both a strategic and operational level. As well as being a HR Consultant, Camillia has a part time role at TOVE Learning Trust. As HR Strategy Manager Camilla’s role is to create the people plan working across the organisation to support the trust in achieving its strategy through its people and to support the Executive Team and Board of Trustees as a single employer for a fast growing Multi Academy Trust.
Camillia has worked in the education sector for 23 years, having spent nine years as Head of HR at The Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust, taking the Trust from inception with two academies to nineteen. She oversaw the successful set up and continued delivery of the entire HR and payroll function leading a team of HR professionals.
Prior to working in the academy sector Camillia worked in further education having spent twelve years working for the Warwickshire College Group as Deputy HR Director. Prior to this she was in the private sector.
Camillia has two Dachshunds and in her spare time she can be found taking them on walks.
Katyryna Zamulinskyj
Katyryna Zamulinskyj
Role within the Diocese: Katyryna is HR consultant for GDBE elevate People
Areas of expertise/special interest: Organisational Design & Development Employment Relations Learning & Development
More about: Before starting her career in HR Katyryna worked as a primary school teacher for 8 years after which she undertook a Masters in the Management of Human Resources at De Montfort University in Leicester. Katyryna was accredited by the university with an award for her thesis which reviewed the career paths of women at Transport for London and sits in their reference library.
Katyryna HR career started at Ealing Local Authority in the Schools HR Team, after which she joined Oasis Community Learning. During her time at Oasis she led on the TUPE Transfer of over 30 schools into the Trust, as well as developed the growth strategy for the Central Team Services for Oasis, which included, IT, Facilities, Finance, Governance, Marketing and HR.
After Oasis Katyryna joined Ark as Head of Change and was responsible for remodelling their entire central workforce as well as supported complex employment relations issue with the ‘Trojan Horse’ schools.
As the inaugural Head of HR for Community Academies Trust Katyryna set up the HR and People service for the Trust including terms and conditions of employment, HR policies and procedures all of which were successful collectively agreed under her leadership.
Katyryna in now the founding Director of City of London Academies Trust and has developed an effective HR and People Service for the Trust as well as led on several complex projects including a change in payroll provider and TUPE transfers. Under her leadership she has remodelled the central services provision where the Trust finance and IT staff are now centrally managed. Katyryna has also developed and delivered on a people management training strategy for all leaders across the Trust.
Katyryna has a profound interest in people and seeks the best from them. When dealing with any complex matters, she takes the approach of being an outsider ‘looking in’ and what would be the ‘right’ thing to do based on the facts available.
Katyryna’s is a lifelong member of the Ukrainian Youth Association and is passionate about her background and culture, as well as being a mum to her son.