GDBE elevate | Education
Get in touch with our elevate Education consultants.
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- CORE package and service bundles
- online support
- School Account Dashboard
GDBE elevate People | HR
Get in touch with our elevate People consultants
- Strategic HR and Business Partnering
- VA Schools HR advice and guidance service bundles
NB. To access HR bundles annual SLA subscription required. - GDBE elevate People professional partners
Matters requiring immediate response please call our team.
GDBE elevate | Governance
Get in touch for
- Church Schools and Academies Governance Matters
- Church Schools and Academies Clerking Matters
- Foundation Governors Appointments
School Buildings and Estates
Get in touch with our School Buildings Team for
- School buildings and estate related matters
- Good Estate Management
- Building Projects
- DFC and SCA applications and funding
- Annual support agreement VA Church Schools
Matters requiring immediate response please call our team.
Church House,
20 Alan Turing Road,
Surrey, GU2 7YF.