
Surrey SACRE | Open House: welcome to 'my place'! - Visiting Mabarak Mosque, Tilford

Members of Surrey faith and belief communities warmly invite you to come and experience their places of worship and gain valuable curriculum insight for Primary and Secondary RE leaders and class teachers.

Each experience will include a meet and greet by the community, a tour, a short presentation and plenty of time for questions and answers, as well as the opportunity to take photographs for use in school. 

Booking your place - each person must make an individual online booking so that we can advise the venues of numbers, carefully noting the times and venues of sessions on offer, as they are not all the same.

For this session, we will be welcomed by Rashida Nasir, SACRE member & teacher, and members of the mosque community. Our session will include a tour of the mosque, input from the community about their beliefs, and of course there will be an opportunity to ask questions, so do come prepared!

This land on which Mubarak Mosque was built was purchased by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in 1984 and since then has been imaginatively redeveloped to serve the growing community, which is now their global HQ. The new mosque has many sustainable features to improve energy efficiency. 

Ofsted say in their recent report: ‘Although a few teachers had received subject-based professional development in RE, the overwhelming majority had not. Given the complexity of the subject and the kind of misconceptions that pupils were left with, this is a significant concern.’ 

It's an ideal way to boost subject knowledge in RE and invest in teachers' CPD and it's all for free.

Visiting Mubarak Mosque, Tilford
There is plenty of parking on site, however please arrive a few minutes early and allow time to get through on-site security.

Code of conduct for Muslim places of worship.

  • Shoes are removed on entering the prayer halls.
  • Head covering is required.
  • Females should be dressed modestly, with arms and legs covered.
  • Please don’t bring any food, especially meat products, into the mosque.

Primary and Secondary RE leaders and class teachers.

Without SLA Price
Universal Free
GDBE elevate CORE Free
Please Login or Register to book for this course.


Mubarak Mosque


Rachel Boxer, GDBE RE Consultant

BC (before children!) Rachel taught in the primary phase, as RE subject leader in community school settings for much of that time, with additional responsibilities for Collective Worship and SMSC. She has been involved as a writer in the past 4 reviews of the Surrey RE Agreed Syllabus, leading the Primary teams for the revisions in 2007 and 2012; and most recently, co-ordinating the complete review of the new Surrey Agreed Syllabus 2023-2028. She has also reviewed the Diocesan Guidelines for VA Schools and the Diocesan Collective Worship Guidelines (both twice!). In addition to her Diocesan role alongside Jane Whittington, Rachel is currently the RE adviser to Surrey SACRE, and leads RE subject leader training sessions for both the Diocese and Surrey RE networks.

When not reviewing syllabi, Rachel also writes assembly materials and is a regular contributor to the BBC Schools’ Radio Collective Worship programme ‘Something to Think About’.

Areas of specialism:
Statutory RE provision; RE in primary classrooms; supporting RE subject leaders; practical ideas for collective worship

Role within the Diocese:
Associate Consultant for RE (Primary) Adviser to Surrey SACRE