
RE Subject Leader Clinics

Our RE Consultants and Schools Officers are well regarded experts within their fields both regionally and nationally, and subject specialists in delivering RE to both schools and academies within the Diocese of Guildford and across Surrey.

The Diocese of Guildford is commissioned by Surrey County Council to facilitate Surrey RE Networks and training for community schools across the region.

These online one-to-one RE Subject Leader clinic sessions are with our RE subject matter experts (SME).
Online clinic sessions start promptly at 16:00pm. Each sessions is ten minutes.
To make the most the time with your SME please carefully consider what you would like to discuss in advance of the session.

Times are allocated, in time order, on a first come first served basis - we will email to confirm your timeslot.
Sorry, we are unable to offer choices or changes to an allocated time.

If a clinic is full we ask you book on to the next available date. 

RE Subject Leaders - Community and Church Schools

Without SLA Price
Universal Free
GDBE elevate CORE Free
Presented Online
Please Login or Register to book for this course.




Jane Whittington, Diocesan School Church Partnership Advisor

Jane recently took on the role of Diocesan School Church Partnership Advisor after being school’s officer with the Diocese of Guildford since 2013. Before that she taught in primary schools in Surrey and Hampshire, this included headships in both church and community schools.

Jane set up one of the first prayer spaces in her school in 2008 and currently is a networker for the Prayer Spaces in Schools team, in this role she assists with training and writing materials.  Jane is an assessor for the Christian Aid Global Neighbours awards.

In her current role Jane provides training and support for school leaders, teachers, and governors in the areas of Christian distinctiveness, vision and values in church schools, spiritual development, Religious Education, collective worship,  PHSE and developing links with their parish church.  She works with diocesan colleagues to train clergy and church volunteers.

Areas of specialism: Christian distinctiveness, vision and values in church schools, spiritual development, Religious Education, collective worship, PHSE in church schools, school and church links.

Role within the Diocese: Diocesan School Church Partnership Advisor.

Rachel Boxer, GDBE RE Consultant

BC (before children!) Rachel taught in the primary phase, as RE subject leader in community school settings for much of that time, with additional responsibilities for Collective Worship and SMSC. She has been involved as a writer in the past 4 reviews of the Surrey RE Agreed Syllabus, leading the Primary teams for the revisions in 2007 and 2012; and most recently, co-ordinating the complete review of the new Surrey Agreed Syllabus 2023-2028. She has also reviewed the Diocesan Guidelines for VA Schools and the Diocesan Collective Worship Guidelines (both twice!). In addition to her Diocesan role alongside Jane Whittington, Rachel is currently the RE adviser to Surrey SACRE, and leads RE subject leader training sessions for both the Diocese and Surrey RE networks.

When not reviewing syllabi, Rachel also writes assembly materials and is a regular contributor to the BBC Schools’ Radio Collective Worship programme ‘Something to Think About’.

Areas of specialism:
Statutory RE provision; RE in primary classrooms; supporting RE subject leaders; practical ideas for collective worship

Role within the Diocese:
Associate Consultant for RE (Primary) Adviser to Surrey SACRE

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